Auditions: a Place to Learn

How amazing would it be to have a place to audition week after week? Not simply playing for your friends in a practice room or studio class, but a real simulated mock audition.

Imagine how a check in time, a standby room, a proctor, a screen, and judges would help simulate the real thing.

Learn about yourself and your various tendencies under pressure.

Watch a recording of your mock audition, identifying what works and what might need more attention.

Discuss your successes and struggles afterwards with a member of Mockers, Inc.

That’s what we aim to give you. You still have to do the heavy lifting of consistent focused practice, but we want to take the financial burden of flying to auditions and staying in hotels out of the equation. Our goal is to help you on your path to winning an orchestral job of your dreams, while still having money in the bank.